pdf文档 盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究

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盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究 第 1 页 盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究 第 2 页 盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究 第 3 页 盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究 第 4 页 盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究 第 5 页
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盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性: 前瞻性, 随机, 盲法, 多中心, 阳性对照临床研究内容摘要:

中华麻醉学杂志2013年3月第33卷第3期 Chin J Anesthesiol,March 2013,V01.33,No.3 269 ・疼痛诊疗与研究・ 盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后 镇痛的有效性和安全性:前瞻性、随机、 盲法、多中心、阳性对照临床研究 许幸 吴新民 【摘要】 目的 薛张纲 王祥瑞 熊利泽 田呜 姚晨 评价盐酸羟考酮注射液用于全麻患者术后镇痛的有效性和安全性。方法 本研 究为前瞻性、随机、盲法、多中心、阳性对照临床研究。选择择期全麻下腹部手术和骨科手术患者240 例,年龄18~64岁、体重40~95 kg、性别不限、ASA分级I或Ⅱ级。采用随机数字表法,将其分为2组 (n=120):硫酸吗啡注射液组(M组)和盐酸羟考酮注射液组(0组)。术毕拔除气管导管或喉罩后当 患者主诉疼痛时,立即静脉注射吗啡或羟考酮1 mg,必要时重复给药,直至VAS评分≤40 mm,随后开 启PCA泵(0.9%生理盐水将研究药物稀释至0.5 mg/ml,总量100 m1)行术后PCIA镇痛48 h,背景输注 速率0.5 mg/h,PCA量吗啡或羟考酮1 rag/次,锁定时间5 rain。疗效指标:于用药后3、24、48 h时行静 态和动态VAS评分,并行非劣效检验。记录术后48 h内研究药物总用量、补救镇痛药物使用情况、 PCA无效按压次数和总次数、镇痛满意度。安全性指标:记录用药后72 h内不良事件的发生情况,并 2组各时点静态和动态VAS评分、补救镇痛 行实验室检查(血常规、尿常规和血生化检查)。结果 率、PCA无效按压次数和总按压次数、镇痛满意度、研究药物总用量、不良事件比较差异无统计学意义 (P>0.05)。2组均无严重不良事件发生。不良事件中发生率最高的是恶心,其次为呕吐。2组恶心、 呕吐发生率和严重程度比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而骨科手术患者O组恶心、呕吐的发生率 低于M组(P<0.05)。2组其他不良事件及实验室检查异常发生率均较低。2组各时点静态和动态 VAS评分均数之差的95%可信区问皆在15 mm之内(假设非劣效检验界值)。结论盐酸羟考酮注射 液术后PCIA可安全有效地减轻中、大型手术后患者疼痛,其镇痛效果与硫酸吗啡注射液相似,而骨科 手术患者应用盐酸羟考酮注射液术后PCIA镇痛时恶心、呕吐的发生较应用硫酸吗啡注射液时低,两 药的镇痛效能比接近1:1。 【关键词】羟可酮;镇痛,病人控制;疼痛,手术后 Efficacy and safety of oxycodone hydrochloride operation under general clinical trial injection for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing prospective,randomized,blind,multicenter,positive-controlled, anesthesia:a XU Xing+,WU Xin—rain,XUE Zhang-gang,WANG Xiang-rui,XIONG Li-ze,TIAN Ming, YAO Chen.+Department of Anesthesiology,First Hospital,Peking University,Beijing 100034,China Corresponding author:WU Xin—min.Email:xmwu2784@hotmail.COrn 【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of oxycodone hydrochloride injection for postop— erative analgesia in patients undergoing the operation under general anesthesia in muhicenter,positive—controlled,clinical trial.Methods Two a prospective,randomized,blind, hundred and forty ASA sexes,aged 18—64 yr,weighing 40—95 kg,scheduled for elective abdominal operation general anesthesia,were M)and randomly oxycodone hydrochloride divided into 2 groups(n=120 each):morphine injection group(group O).Morphine or oxycodone or I orⅡpatients of both orthopedic surgeries under sulfate injection group(group 1 mg was injected intraveno— DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254—1416.2013.03.001 作者单位:100034北京大学第一医院麻醉科(许幸、吴新民);复吐大学中山医院麻醉科(薛张纲);上海交通大 学医学院附属仁济医院麻醉科(工祥瑞);第四军医大学西京医院麻醉科(熊利泽);北京友谊医院麻醉科(田呜);北 京大学临床研究所(姚晨) 通信作者:吴新民,Email:xmwu2784@hotmail.coin 万方数据 270 生堡壁醒堂盘查垫13年3月第33卷第3期Chin the patients complained of pain after tracheal extubation when usly or removal of the laryngeal tration was repeated if necessary until VAS≤40 mm.Then patient—controlled intravenous mg/m1)with ml,0.5 pump was Pain at up with set was test or used for postoperative was oxycodone 1 ml bolus dose,a 5 min a and during rest inferiority morphine performed.Total number of unsuccessfully delivered morphine or h after at a events were rate of 0.5 mg/h. administration,and rescue event scores at analgesic,the satisfaction were recorded and laboratory examinations f blood and and during movement rest non— at There different time points,requirement for analgesic,the number of unsuccessfully delivered doses and attempts,level of patient’S satisfaction,total morphine or oxycodone consumption,and adverse occurred in the two significant groups.The events most common incidences of nausea and vomiting in patients in the movement two groups.95%confidence interval at clusion each time point was within 15 nausea and vomiting compared with that is two drugs is close to efficacy is event was nausea events of the were to between the two that were fewer and abnormal was no groups(P>0.05). significantly lower in group laboratory examinations were difference between the mean VAS of serious adverse nausea,followed by vomiting.There underwent orthopedic surgeries injection similar groups(P>0.05).No and vomiting mm(boundary values PCIA with oxycodone hydrochloride operation,and the analgesic between the two adverse difference in the incidences and degree of 0 than in group M(P<0.05).The other adverse as 3,24 and 48 dose,the number of attempts,and the level of patient’S significant difference in the VAS no rescue rare at routine test,blood biochemical examination)were perfonned within 72 h after administration.Results urine The analgesia(1asting for 48 h).The PCIA consumption,requirement for oxycodone recorded within 48 h after operation.The adver

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