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Performance criteria 第 1 页 Performance criteria 第 2 页 Performance criteria 第 3 页 Performance criteria 第 4 页 Performance criteria 第 5 页
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Performance criteria内容摘要:

SFJ EFSM15 Develop teams and individuals to enhance work based performance Overview This standard is about developing your team's skills and knowledge to ensure the best possible results at work. It covers identifying the development needs of your team and its members, planning their development and using a variety of activities to improve team performance. There are five elements 1 Identify the development needs of teams and individuals This involves giving your team members the opportunity to identify their needs. It includes seeking specialist advice if necessary to help you confirm your decisions. 2 Plan the development of teams and individuals This involves identifying development objectives, resources and timescales to plan the development of individuals and teams. 3 Develop teams to improve performance This includes selecting and organising activities which support your development objectives. It involves providing all team members with opportunities to access these activities. 4 Deliver individual learning and support for development This involves providing the support individuals need, monitoring their progress and providing feedback at appropriate times. It includes helping individuals to deal with problems and obstacles to learning which they have. 5 Evaluate the development of teams and individuals This involves you carrying out objective assessment of team and individual progress and providing them with the opportunity to contribute to their own assessment. SFJ EFSM15 Develop teams and individuals to enhance work based performance 1 SFJ EFSM15 Develop teams and individuals to enhance work based performance Performance criteria Identify the development needs of teams and individuals You must be able to: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 give opportunities to team members to help identify their own development needs and those of the team as a whole identify development needs based on information gathered about individual performance identify development needs for all the personnel you are responsible for seek guidance from competent specialists, to support your development of people provide information on development needs to authorised people in an appropriate manner confirm records of identified development needs comply with organisational procedures Plan the development of teams and individuals You must be able to: P7 produce plans which address the identified training and development needs for all the personnel you are responsible for P8 identify the processes you will use and the resources you need P9 produce plans that are capable of being implemented within defined timescales P10 present your plans to relevant people within required timescales P11 update your plans at regular intervals after discussion and agreement with relevant people Develop teams to improve performance You must be able to: P12 organise development activities which support your team and organisational objectives P13 make best use of available resources to deliver development activities P14 provide all team members with equal access to relevant development activities P15 demonstrate your commitment to individual and team development through your personal support for, and involvement in, the development activities P16 take appropriate action to minimise the effect of actual and potential risks Deliver individual learning and support for development You must be able to: P17 provide support which is consistent with the individuals' needs, their objectives and preferred learning styles P18 provide support which takes account of the individuals' work constraints and overall team objectives P19 give all team members equal access to support relevant to their learning needs P20 monitor the individuals' learning and development so that you can modify SFJ EFSM15 Develop teams and individuals to enhance work based performance 2 SFJ EFSM15 Develop teams and individuals to enhance work based performance support, according to their needs P21 gather feedback from individuals on the quality of support you provide P22 give feedback to individuals to reinforce learning and development P23 identify and remove any obstacles to learning effectively and with the agreement of the individuals involved Evaluate the development of teams and individuals You must be able to: P24 agree the purpose of the assessment and your role in it with relevant people P25 give opportunities to team members to contribute to their own and their team's assessments P26

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