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ESP and human resources development内容摘要:

Section 4. Theory and methods of professional education Petliovana L.L., Ph.D assistant professor Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Khmelnytskyi National University Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine ESP AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT The world of work is changing: outsourcing, international mobility, talent shortages, new labor laws, globalization, shifting demographics, and an ageing workforce. It is becoming increasingly important for future HR managers not only to meet the requirements of today, but be ready for challengers of the future. In the conditions of uncertainty and dynamic changes in the business environment, the importance of having strategy becomes paramount. Business strategy is defined as an ability of use favorite candidates and opportunities to explore new development areas and change boundaries of the business. HR strategy should ensure that there is a clear framework for planning and decision making about the people in the organization and provide a focus on activities such as recruitment, reward, performance management, career development, and training. At our ESP course for Human Resources Managers students can learn the relevant vocabulary and expressions that will enable to communicate effectively in English in their field. Human resources management and development are core issues that hinge on professionalism and productivity. In a globalized economy as we have, the human capital base of any organization is drawn from people of different linguistic background, hence, the use of a common language, a lingua franca especially the English language is such situations. Our world is truly one of distinction and diversity of profession, nationalities, languages and sexes. Against the backdrop of the status and function of the English language as a world language used in different facets of life’s endeavours in many countries of the world, ESP could be adopted as a strategy in the training and development of human resources the world over. ESP is a major activity around the world today involving education, training and practice and drawing upon three major realms of students/participant specialist areas of interest. These learners need to use the language both for occupational and other communicative purposes. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) discuss two types of needs analysis: a) target needs (what the learner needs to do in the target situation) and b) learning needs (what the learner needs to do in order to learn) [3, p. 68]. Therefore, adopting the criterial of need- analysis and target-analysis which ESP adopts in teaching learners become paramount. These needs are first and foremost explained in terms of study or job requirements (Widdowson, 1983) or what the society at large regards necessary or desirable to be learnt from a programme of language instruction (Mountford, 1981 in Nunan, 1988). This is the objective of human resources development. Beyond the needs analysis consideration, there is also that which is closely related to needs analysis; target situation analysis. This entails identifying the target situation; i.e., the situation which the learner would use the language they are learning and going on to conduct language/linguistic feature analysis of the target situation for the learners. Consequently, in the training (preservice and in-service) and development of teachers; bankers, technicians, medical practitioners, ESP conduct these analyses for maximum productivity and effectiveness on the part of the learners (human resources) [5, p.173]. Dudley-Evans stated that ESP is usually aimed at professionals or tertiary-level students with some target language basic knowledge but is not limited to these populations exclusively. All these absolute and variable features emphasize the purposeful nature of ESP as an approach that shapes itself according to the learner’s needs [1, p.235]. Therefore, the general English Language teaching given to them amounts to a waste of time, resources and energy. One important feature of ESP is that it makes use of needs analysis in teaching a group of students. This paper therefore, suggests that needs analysis can be conducted in our different tertiary institutions to ascertain the purpose for which the English language is learnt by a group of students. The paper suggests for instance, that science English must be taught to science students with strong emphasis on the branch of science in question, and that English for Business Purposes b

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