pdf文档 营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗急性不良反应的影响

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营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗急性不良反应的影响 第 1 页 营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗急性不良反应的影响 第 2 页 营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗急性不良反应的影响 第 3 页 营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗急性不良反应的影响 第 4 页 营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗急性不良反应的影响 第 5 页
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· 1012· 中华放射肿瘤学杂志 2017 年 9 月第 26 卷第 9 期  Chin J Radiat Oncol,September 2017,Vol.26,No.9 ·胸部肿瘤· 营养状况与炎症指标对食管癌同期放化疗 急性不良反应的影响 王倩  王军  王祎  景绍武  刘青  曹峰  焦文鹏  杨从容  程云杰  武亚晶 050011 石家庄,河北医科大学第四医院放疗科( 王倩现单位:河北省人民医院肿瘤科) 通信作者:王军,Email:wangjunzr@ 163.com DOI:10.3760 / cma.j.issn.1004⁃4221.2017.09.007     【 摘要】   目的  观察放疗前不同营养状况及炎症反应指标对食管癌 IMRT 同期化疗患者急性相 关不良反应的影响。 方法  分析 2006—2014 年间在本院接受 IMRT 同步化疗并符合入组条件的 338 例食管癌患者的急性不良反应发生情况,观察治疗前不同营养状况[ 如体质量指数( BMI) 、白蛋 白 ( ALB ) 、 总 淋 巴 细 胞 计 数 ( TLC ) 、 有 无 贫 血 ] 以 及 不 同 炎 症 反 应 指 标 [ 如中性粒细胞淋巴细胞比值( NLR) 、血小板淋巴细胞比值( PLR) ] 对其影响。 采用连续性校正的 χ2 检验和 Logistic 回归分析。 结果  338 例患者以不同营养状况评价指标评价的营养不良发生率为 5.62% ~ 54􀆰 14%。 营养状况指标中≥2 级急性 RE 发生率低 ALB 组高于正常组( P = 0􀆰 000) ;随着 TLC 的下降血液系统不良反应发生率增加( P = 0􀆰 006) ,而 RP 发生率随着 TLC 的下降而降低( P = 0􀆰 001) ; 贫血组≥2 级急性 RE 发生率高于非贫血组( P = 0􀆰 000) 。 炎症指标结果分析显示高 NLR、高 PLR 组 RE 发生率显著高 于 低 NLR 组、 低 PLR 组 ( P = 0􀆰 000、0􀆰 024) 。 将 上 述 营 养 状 况 和 炎 症 指 标 纳 入 Logistic 回归分析发现 TLC 是急性血液系统不良反应的影响因素( P = 0􀆰 001) ,ALB、PLR 是急性 RE 的 影响因素( P = 0􀆰 017、P = 0􀆰 011) 。 结论  食管癌患者营养状况及炎症指标与放化疗相关急性不良反 应有一定相关性,在临床应用中可能具有一定程度提示价值,临床工作中应予以重视并进行积极营养 支持治疗。 【 关键词】   食管肿瘤 / 放射疗法;  营养状况;  炎症 Effect of nutritional status and inflammatory markers on acute adverse reactions during concurrent chemoradiotherapy for esophageal carcinoma   Wang Qian, Wang Jun, Wang Yi, Jing Shaowu, Liu Qing,Cao Feng,Jiao Wenpeng,Yang Congrong,Cheng Yunjie,Wu Yajing Department of Radiation Oncology,Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang 050011,China ( Wang Q now unit:Department of Oncology,General Hospital of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050000,China) Corresponding author:Wang Jun,Email:wangjunzr@ 163.com     【 Abstract】   Objective   To examine the effects of different pre⁃treatment nutritional status and inflammatory markers on acute adverse reactions in esophageal cancer patients during concurrent intensity⁃ modulated radiation therapy ( IMRT) and chemotherapy. Methods   The acute adverse reactions of 338 eligible esophageal cancer patients who received concurrent IMRT and chemotherapy in our hospital from 2006 to 2014 were reviewed. The effects of different pre⁃treatment nutritional status, such as body mass index level ( BMI) , albumin level ( ALB) , total lymphocyte count ( TLC) , the presence or absence of anemia, and inflammatory indicators including neutrophil lymphocyte ratio ( NLR ) and platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) , on acute adverse reactions in the patients were examined. Data were analyzed using the chi⁃square test with continuity correction and logistic regression analysis. Results  The incidence rate of malnutrition in the patients based on their nutritional status was 5􀆰 62%⁃54􀆰 14%. The incidence rate of grade ≥ 2 acute radiation esophagitis ( RE) was significantly higher in the low ALB group than in the normal ALB group ( P = 0􀆰 000) . The incidence rate of adverse reactions in the hematologic system increased as TLC decreased ( P = 0􀆰 006) , but the incidence rate of acute radiation pneumonitis ( RP ) was reduced as TLC decreased ( P = 0􀆰 001) . In addition, the incidence rate of grade ≥2 acute RE was significantly higher in the anemia group than in the non⁃anemia group. Inflammatory marker analysis demonstrated that the incidence rate of acute RE was significantly higher in the high NLR group and high PLR group than in the low NLR group and low PLR group ( P = 0􀆰 000 and P = 0􀆰 024, respectively) . Logistic regression analysis of nutritional status and 中华放射肿瘤学杂志 2017 年 9 月第 26 卷第 9 期  Chin J Radiat Oncol,September 2017,Vol.26,No.9 · 1013· inflammatory markers showed that TLC was an independent risk factor for acute adverse reactions in the hematologic system ( P = 0􀆰 001) , and ALB and PLR were independent risk factors for acute RE ( P = 0􀆰 017 and P = 0􀆰 011,respectively) . Conclusions  Nutritional status and inflammatory markers are associated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy⁃induced acute adverse reactions in esophageal carcinoma patients, and hence may be valuable indicators of acute adverse reactions during treatment. In addition, nutritional treatment and support care should be actively provided to the patients to prevent the development of acute adverse reactions during treatment.     【 Key words】   Esophageal neoplasms / radiotherapy;  Nutritional status;  Inflammation     美国肠外营养学会提出,营养状况是指人从进 食到利用营养物质全过程的总和 [1] 。 临床常用的 传统营养状况 评 价 指 标 有 体 质 量 指 数 ( body mass 表 1  338 例食管癌患者的一般临床资料分布( 例) 项目 性别 index,BMI) 、白蛋白( albumin,ALB) 、总淋巴细胞计   男 ( hemoglobin,Hb) 等。 此外有研究

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