pdf文档 新生儿及小婴儿维生素K 缺乏性出血的预防和管理———欧洲儿科胃肠病肝病和营养学协会意见书简介

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新生儿及小婴儿维生素K 缺乏性出血的预防和管理———欧洲儿科胃肠病肝病和营养学协会意见书简介 第 1 页 新生儿及小婴儿维生素K 缺乏性出血的预防和管理———欧洲儿科胃肠病肝病和营养学协会意见书简介 第 2 页 新生儿及小婴儿维生素K 缺乏性出血的预防和管理———欧洲儿科胃肠病肝病和营养学协会意见书简介 第 3 页

新生儿及小婴儿维生素K 缺乏性出血的预防和管理———欧洲儿科胃肠病肝病和营养学协会意见书简介内容摘要:

实用医院临床杂志 2017 年 1 月第 14 卷第 1 期 29 新生儿及小婴儿维生素 K 缺乏性出血的预防和管理 ——— 欧 洲 儿 科 胃 肠 病 肝 病 和 营 养 学 协 会 意 见 书 简 介 李茂军,吴 青,阳 倩,唐彬秩,陈昌辉 ( 四川省医学科学院・ 四川省人民医院儿科,四川 成都 610072) 【摘要】 维生素 K 缺乏多见于新生儿和小婴儿。 缺乏维生素 K 的新生儿和小婴儿存在发生严重出血的风险。 适当补充 维生素 K 可以防止维生素 K 缺乏性出血( Vitamin K deficiency bleeding ,VKDB) 的发生。目前世界各国预防策略并不统一 。 2016 年欧洲儿科胃肠病肝病和营养学协会(ESPGHAN)发布了预防新生儿 VKDB 的意见书,讨论了现行预防策略,提出了预 防 VKDB 的建议。 【关键词】 新生儿;婴儿;维生素 K 缺乏性出血;预防;管理 【中图分类号】 R722;R 591. 49 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】 1672- 6170(2017) 01- 0029- 03 Prevention an d management of Vitamin Kd eficiency bleeding in newborn and young in- fants—Introduction of the position paper by the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition LIM ao- jun,WU Qing,YANG Qian,TANG Bin- zhi,CHEN Chang- hui ( Department of Pediatrics,Sichuan Academ y of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provin c ial People' s Hospital,Che n gdu 610072,China) 【Corresponding author】 CHEN Chang- hui 【Abstract】 Vitamin K deficiency is common in newborn and young infants . Those infants with Vitamin K deficiency are at risk of developing severe hemorrhages . Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) can be largely prevented by adequate vitamin K supplemen - tation. The strategies of routine prophylaxis were not unified in the world . The 2016 ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition announced a po - sition paper to discuss current prophylaxis practices and to provide recommendations for the prevention of VKDB in healthy term newbo - rns and young infants . 【Key words】 Newborn;infant;Vitamin K deficiency bleeding ;Prevention;Management 【 通讯作者简 介】 陈 昌 辉, 男, 主 任 医 师, 硕 士, 硕 士 生 导 师。 中华医学会临床流行病学和循证医学分会委员,中国医师协 会新 生儿分会委员兼呼吸专业委员会委员。 主要研究方向:新生 儿临 床及研究工作。 [16] Montalescot G, Wiviott SD, Braunwald E, et al.Prasugrel compared with clopidogrel in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary inter- vention for ST- elevation myocardial infarction ( TRITON- TIMI 38 ) : double- blind,randomised controlled trial [ J ] .Lancet, 2009, 373: 723- 731. [17] Wiviott SD,Braunwald E,McCabe CH,et al.Prasugrel versus clopi- dogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes [ J] .N Engl JMed, 2007,357(20) :2001- 2015. [18] Gurbel PA,Bliden KP,ButlerK,et al.Randomized double- blind assess- ment of the ONSET and OFFSET of the antiplatelet effects of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with stable coronary artery disease : the ONSET / OFFSET study[J]. Circulation,2009,120: 2577- 2585. [19] Storey RF, Angiolillo DJ, Patil SB, et al.Inhibitory effects of ti- cagrelor compared with clopidogrel on platelet function in patients with acute coronary syndromes: the PLATO ( PLATelet inhibition and patient Outcomes) PLATELET sub study[ J] .J Am Coll Cardiol, 2010,56:1456- 1462. [20] Steg PG,James S,Harrington RA,et al.Ticandedfor reperfusion with primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a platelet inhibition and 刚刚出生的新生儿几乎都有维生素 K 的相对 缺乏。 新生儿和小婴儿血浆中维生素 K 浓度生理 性低下,将影响维生素 K 依赖性凝血因子的合成, domizedtrials[ J] .Atherosclerosis,2014,233(2) :568- 578. [22] Marczewski MM,Postula M,Kosior D.Novel antiplatelet agents inthe prevention of cardiovascular complications- - focus on ticagrelor [ J] . Vasc Health Risk Manag,2010,6:419- 429. [23] Amsterdam EA,Wenger NK,Brindis RG,et al.AHA / ACC Guideline forthe Management of Patients with Non - ST- Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes: areport of the American College of Cardiology / American Heart Association TaskForce on Practice Guidelines [ J] .J Am Coll Cardiol,2014,64(24) :e139- 228. [24] Alexopoulos D,Moulias A,Koutsogiannis N,et al.Differential effect of ticagrelor versus prasugrel on coronary blood flow velocity in pa - tients withnon- ST- elevation acute coronary syndrome undergoing per- cutaneous coronary intervention: an exploratory study[ J] .Circ Card- iovasc Interv,2013,6:277- 283. [25] Wang K, Zhou X, Huang Y, et al.Adjunctive treatment with ti- cagrelor,but not clopidogrel,added to tPA enables sustained coronary artery recanalisation with recovery of myocardium perfusion in a ca- nine coronary thrombosis model [ J ] .Thromb Haemost, 2010, 104: 609- 617. patient outcomes ( PLATO) trial subgroup analysis[ J] .Circulation, [26] Dan- Dan LI, Xu- Yun WANG, Shao- Zhi XI, et al.Relationship be- [21] Tang XF,Fan JY, Meng J,et al.Impact of new oral or intravenous sponsiveness in ticagrelor treated ACS patients[ J] .Journal of Geriat- 2010,122:2131- 2141. P2Y12 inhibitorsand clopidogrel on major ischemic and bleeding e - vents in patients with coronaryartery disease : a meta- analysis ofran- tween ADP- induced platelet- fibrin clot strength and

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