pdf文档 中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响

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中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响 第 1 页 中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响 第 2 页 中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响 第 3 页 中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响 第 4 页


中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响 张志刚, 史传道, 辛宝, 田敏敏, 刘龙珠, 李娟, 周晶 引用本文: 张志刚, 史传道, 辛宝, 等. 中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状及其对食品毒理学成绩的影 响[J]. 蚌埠医学院学报, 2020, 45(12): 1701-1703. 在线阅读 View online: https://doi.org/10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2020.12.028 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 高职大学生隐性逃课心理分析 蚌埠医学院学报. 2018, 43(1): 95-97 https://doi.org/10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2018.01.028 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下《卫生事业管理学》线上教学评价 Study on online teaching method under the background of COVID-19 in health servic management cours 蚌埠医学院学报. 2020, 45(10): 1432-1435 https://doi.org/10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2020.10.032 开放性实验教学对预防医学专业本科生创新能力影响的多维评价 Evaluation of the effects of open experiment teaching on cultivating innovation ability of undergraduates in Preventive Medicine speciality 蚌埠医学院学报. 2018, 43(7): 955-957 https://doi.org/10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2018.07.034 校园中医药文化建设对医学院校药学专业人才培养的助推作用 蚌埠医学院学报. 2018, 43(4): 559-561 https://doi.org/10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2018.04.041 《病理生理学》微课嵌入式教学模式的探索与实践 蚌埠医学院学报. 2020, 45(1): 117-119 https://doi.org/10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2020.01.030 蚌埠医学院学报 2020 年 12 月第 45 卷第 12 期 1701 [ 文章编号] 1000鄄2200(2020)12鄄1701鄄03 ·医学教育· 中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业隐性逃课现状 及其对食品毒理学成绩的影响 张志刚,史传道,辛摇 宝,田敏敏,刘龙珠,李摇 娟,周摇 晶 [摘要] 目的:了解某中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业本科生隐性逃课现状,分析引起隐性逃课的原因及对食品毒理学课程成 绩的影响,为提高食品毒理学教学质量提供参考。 方法:2019 年 5 月 6 日采用整群抽样法选择陕西中医药大学 2016 级食品卫 生与营养学专业 50 名本科生作为研究对象,采用定性评价与定量评价相结合的方法调查隐性逃课情况及其原因,并分析隐性 逃课对食品毒理学考试成绩的影响。 结果:调查对象隐性逃课( 隐性逃课时间逸5 min) 发生率为 87. 76% ,隐性逃课各因子学 业认知、学习习惯、自我调整、课堂认知和学习环境评分分别为(8. 16 依 2. 51) (16. 86 依 3. 03) (23. 45 依 3. 03) (12. 06 依 3. 94) 和 (12. 96 依 3. 03) 分。 隐性逃课时间 5 ~ 15 min 最多占 71. 43% ,主要发生在 7 ~ 8 节(32. 65% ) 、3 ~ 4 节(28. 57% ) 和 5 ~ 6 节 (24. 49% ) ;逃课方式主要表现为发呆(69. 39% ) 、玩手机(53. 06% ) 和看其他书籍(26. 53% ) ;发生教学环节主要为理论讲授 (69. 39% ) 、播放教学视频(34. 69% ) 和自由讨论(34. 69% ) 。 隐性逃课原因中与学生相关的主要因素有因困倦或心情原因导 致精力不能集中(87. 76% ) 、学习目标不明确(46. 94% ) 以及对课程不感兴趣(42. 86% ) ;与教师相关的主要因素有:讲课枯燥 无味(69. 39% ) 、教学方法不灵活(59. 18% ) 以及表达能力欠缺(20. 41% ) 。 隐性逃课因子学习环境与成绩存在负相关关系 ( r = - 0. 32,P < 0. 05) 。 结论:该中医高校食品卫生与营养学专业本科生隐性逃课现象普遍存在,隐性逃课因子中学习环境 对课程成绩的影响较大,教师应营造良好的学习环境,同时培养学生良好的学习习惯。 [ 关键词] 隐性逃课;中医院校;食品卫生与营养学;食品毒理学;成绩 [ 中图法分类号] G 4摇 摇 摇 [ 文献标志码] A摇 摇 摇 DOI:10. 13898 / j. cnki. issn. 1000鄄2200. 2020. 12. 028 Status quo of recessive truancy and its influence on the achievement of food toxicology course in food hygiene and nutrition major in colleges of traditional Chinese medicine ZHANG Zhi鄄gang,SHI Chuan鄄dao,XIN Bao,TIAN Min鄄min,LIU Long鄄zhu,LI Juan,ZHOU Jing ( School of Public Health,Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang Shaanxi 712046,China) [ Abstract] Objective:To understand the status quo of recessive truancy among undergraduates in food hygiene and nutrition major in a traditional Chinese medicine university, and analyze the causes of recessive truancy and its influence on the achivement of food toxicology course,so as to provide reference for improving the teaching quality of food toxicology. Methods:Fifty undergraduates of the 2016 food hygiene and nutrition major in Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine were investigated by cluster sampling method on May 6,2019. The qualitative and quantitative methods were used to investigate the recessive truancy and its causes,and the influence of recessive truancy on the achivement of food toxicology course was analyzed. Results:The incidence rate of recessive truancy( recessive truancy time was greater than or equal to five minutes) was 87. 76% ,and the scores of cognition of study,study habit,self鄄adjustment, cognition of class and environment of study of recessive truancy factors were(8. 16 依 2. 51) ,(16. 86 依 3. 03) ,(23. 45 依 3. 03) ,(12. 06 依 3. 94) and(12. 96 依 3. 03) points,respectively. The five to fifteen minutes of recessive truancy was the most,which accounted for 71. 43% ,and mainly occurred in the sections 7 - 8 (32. 65% ) ,3 - 4 (28. 57% ) and 5 - 6 (24. 49% ) . The main forms of recessive truancy were in daze(69. 39% ) ,playing mobile phones(53. 06% ) and reading other books(26. 53% ) . The main teaching links of recessive truancy were theoretical lecture(69. 39% ) ,playing instructional video(34. 69% ) and free discussion(34. 69% ) . The lack of concentration due to sleepiness or mood(87. 76% ) ,unclear learning objectives(46. 94% ) and not interested in the course(42. 86% ) were the main factors related to students忆 recessive truancy. The boring lecture(69. 39% ) ,inflexible teaching method(59. 18% ) and lack of expression (20. 41% ) were the mai

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