pdf文档 草地灌丛化研究进展

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2016-08-25 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1145.2015.11012 http://www.cibj.com/ 应用与环境生物学报 Chin J Appl Environ Biol 2016,22 ( 4 ) : 0531-0537 草地灌丛化研究进展* 蔡文涛1, 2 来利明1 李贺祎1, 2 周继华1, 2 管天玉1, 2 张晓龙1, 2 高楠楠1, 2 郑元润1** 1 中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100093 中国科学院大学 北京 100049 2 摘 要 草地灌丛化(Shrub encroachment)会导致生态系统结构和功能改变,甚至可能导致干旱区土地退化和荒漠化. 本文从降雨、气温、土壤、生物以及人为活动等方面综合分析灌丛化的成因,总结灌丛化对生态系统的影响以及控制 灌丛化的有效措施. 降水增加及其分配格局的改变通常会促进草地灌丛化;温度升高能够减少灌木冻害,降低灌木死 亡率,有利于灌木扩张;由于灌木适应能力较强,土壤退化有利于灌木入侵;过度放牧促进草地灌丛化,而适当的火 烧会抑制灌丛的扩展. 草地灌丛化会导致草地可用性降低,改变土壤养分与水分分布格局,但对植物多样性及生产力 的影响表现出不同的结果. 降低人为干扰强度、适当火烧、人工去除灌木是控制草地灌丛化的有效措施,但在不同区 域应采用不同组合措施以提高成效. 目前灌丛化研究结果多基于对野外自然过程的观察和分析,缺乏大尺度、长时期 野外控制实验 证据的支持;有关灌丛化草地是否能恢复,哪种条件和措施下可以恢复的全球性认识还不一致;我国 草地灌丛化发生时间较长,但对其研究尚处起步阶段,应加强国际对比研究,有利于在更长的时间尺度上阐释草地灌 丛化的发生过程和机制. (参90) 关键词 灌丛化;土地退化;放牧;沃岛效应 CLC S812.68 : Q14 Progress of research on shrub encroachment in grassland* CAI Wentao1, 2, LAI Liming1, LI Heyi1, 2, ZHOU Jihua1, 2, GUAN Tianyu1, 2, ZHANG Xiaolong1, 2, GAO Nannan1, 2 & ZHENG Yuanrun1** 1 2 Institude of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Abstract Shrub encroachment can change the ecosystem structure and function, even lead to the degradation or desertification of arid or semiarid grassland. This review comprehensively analyzed the impacts of precipitation, air temperature, soil character, biotic factor and human activities on shrub encroachment, and summarized the influences of shrub encroachment on ecosystem as well as the effective control measures against shrub encroachment. The increasing amount and distribution pattern change of precipitation generally facilitate the shrub encroachment. The global warming can alleviate the freeze injury to the shrub, and then decrease its mortality rate, which is favorable to the expansion of the shrub. Due to high adaption ability of shrub species, the land degradation and over-grazing can also facilitate shrub encroachment. Appropriate frequency of fire can suppress the shrub encroachment. Shrub encroachment is often associated with lower pasture value of the grassland, as well as changes of soil moisture and nutrient pattern, but has different impacts on grassland biodiversity and biomass. There are some effective control measures on shrub encroachment including reducing anthropogenic disturbance, applying adequate fire and artificially removing shrub. To improve the effectiveness of shrub encroachment control, a combination of several measures should be applied according to the specific environment. Presently, the study results of shrub encroachment were mostly based on observation in field study without supporting data from big-scale and long-term field experiments. Therefore, further study on the process of shrub encroachment is needed. Besides, there are no consistent conclusions on whether the shrub encroachment process can be reversed as well as how it can be reversed. Although research on shrub encroachment just started in China, the phenomenon has happened long time ago in the grassland of this country. Thus, comparative studies between China and other regions can help clarifying the formation mechanisms and process of shrub encroachment. Keywords shrub encroachment; land degradation; grazing; fertility islands effect 收稿日期 Received: 2015-11-04 接受日期 Accepted: 2016-01-29 *国家自然科学基金项目(41330749,41401105)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41330749, 41401105) **通讯作者 Corresponding author (E-mail: zhengyr@ibcas.ac.cn) 532 草地灌丛化研究进展 4期 草地灌丛化(Shrub encroachment)是指以本土灌木 植 物密度、盖 度和生物量 增加为主 要特 征的全 球普 遍发 生的 现象 [1],文献中亦采用“灌木入侵”(Shrub invasion)、 “木 本植物致密化”(Woody thicketization)、 “木本植物入侵” (Woody invasion)等来表述 [2]. 草地灌丛化发生区域包括干 旱和半干旱草地、湿润草地以及极地苔原等多个生态系统类 型 [3],具 有发生范围广、发展速度快、危害大等特点. 灌丛化 现象目前 在北美洲、亚洲、地中海、非洲、澳大 利亚甚至 人 为干扰较少的北极地区均有发现 [3],且这一过程有加速发展 的趋势 [4] . 如美国新墨西哥州荒漠地带的Prosopis属植物在 1850s-1960s间,灌丛化草地面积从6 000英亩(2 428.11 hm 2) 增长到超过60 000英亩(24 281.14 hm 2),扩大10倍以上 [5]; 在澳大利亚西部,Prosopis植物近年来以大约每年0.4%-1.2% 的速度扩张 [6] . 草地灌丛化通常会导致生态系统结构和功能 的改变 [7],影响生态水文 过程 [8],降低牧草产量和生物多样 性 [9-10],甚至可能会导致干旱地区土地 退化 及荒漠化 [11] . 由 于大面积发生以及高速扩张,草地灌丛化现象已经对国民经 济及 生态安 全等 造成 重大 影响,全 球超 过 20亿 人口受到影 响 [12]. 因此,草地灌丛化受到科学界的极大重视. 我国草地面积达4亿 hm 2,占国土面积的41.7% [13] . 同时 我国草地 退化 严重,已经 成 为土 地 荒 漠化 的主 要 形式 . 作 为干旱、半干旱地区土地荒漠化的核心过程之一 [14],灌丛化 在我国草地生态系统中广泛发生,如宁夏贺兰山 [15]、内蒙古 锡林河流域 [16]、锡林郭勒西部 [17]、内蒙古鄂尔多斯(实地观 察)等. 灌丛化不仅导致 土壤结 构发生改变,植物群落中有 毒有害物质比例相对增加,同时会导致草地结构和功能的根 本变化. 尽管国际上尤其在美国西南部对草地灌丛化过程中 植物 群落结 构、土壤结 构与功能等 关键 生态学过程 进行了 详细研究,但我国这

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