docx文档 籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响

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籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响 第 1 页 籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响 第 2 页 籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响 第 3 页 籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响 第 4 页 籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响 第 5 页
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籼稻直立穗突变体R499 对群体小气候的影响内容摘要:

籼稻直立穗突变体 R499 对群体小气候的影响 *1 葛中英 1,# 杨国涛 1,# 张杰 1 易 军 1 范存留 1 郭连安 1 胡运高 1, 2,** 1 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 绵阳 四川农业大学水稻研究所 成都 611130 # 共同第一作者 621010 2 摘 要 穗型是水稻株型的重要组成部分,研究不同穗型籼稻对群体小气候的影响,对籼稻超高产育种来说具有 重要意义。以弯曲穗型水稻蜀恢 498 及其通过 EMS 诱变产生的直立穗型突变体 R499 为试材,研究了不同穗型水稻 对群体小气候的影响。结果表明,直立穗突变体 R499 的群体小气候明显优于弯曲穗群体。其中,群体中下部通透 性存在极显著差异,当外界风速为 4.5m/s 时,直立穗群体的中、下部风速较弯曲穗群体高 44.44%和 27.90%。直立 穗群体的光强度从冠层向下降低速度远小于弯曲穗群体;在中下部叶空间范围内直立穗群体的光强度均明显高于弯 曲穗群体,可以保证群体中下部叶片的受光率;直立穗群体中下层温度均高于弯曲穗群体,湿度低于弯曲穗群体。 由于直立穗与弯曲穗植株性状除穗型外几乎无差异,因此穗型可能是导致突变体和野生型群体小气候之间差异的一 个重要因素。图 4 表 2 参 21。 关键词 直立穗型;群体小气候;通透性;光分布 CLC S511.032 Effects of erect panicle mutant R499 on population of microclimate in Indica rice* GE Zhongying1, YANG Guotao1, QIN Peng2, FAN Cunliu1, GUO Lianan1, YI Jun1, HU Yungao1, 2,** 1 School of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China Rice Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China 2 Abstract Objective: Panicle type is an important part of the plant type in rice, but the applications of erect panicle type were rarely reported in Indica rice. This paper compares the differences of microclimate groups between erect and curved panicle type, aims to explore the influence on microclimate groups and provide a theoretical basis for the high yield breeding in indica rice. Methods: With curved panicle type rice Shu Hui 498 and erect panicle mutant R499 as materials, the effects of different panicle type rice on population of microclimate in Indica rice were investigated. Results: The microclimate in population of erect panicle mutant R499 was much better than that of curved panicle type. The permeability in the middle part of Shu Hui was greatly different from that in the lower part of R499. When the environmental wind speed was 4.5 m/s, the middle wind speed in R499 was 44.44% higher than that in Shu Hui 498, and the lower wind speed was 27.90% higher. Decreasing velocity of light intensity down from the canopy in erect panicle type groups was more slowly than that in curved panicle type groups. Light intensity within the spatial extent of the middle and lower leaves in erect panicle groups was much higher than that in curved panicle type groups. And these two aspects could ensure the lightreceiving rate of middle and lower leaves. The temperatures in the middle and lower part of erect panicle type groups were higher than that of curved panicle type groups, while the humidity was relatively lower. There was almost no difference except the panicle type between the erect panicle type groups and the curved panicle type groups. Conclusions: Panicle type could be considered as an important factor that lead to the difference in population of microclimate. Keywords erect panicle type; population of microclimate; permeability; light distribution 继矮化育种和杂交稻育种这两次重大的历史性飞跃后,亚洲水稻的单产水平进入了正在开展中的第三次飞跃 “水稻超高产育种研究” [1-3]。超级稻育种理论的最大特点在于明确了超高产必须兼顾水稻的株型与优势,即兼顾形态 与机能,使二者相结合,协调统一共同促进水稻产量的提高。该理论还把直立大穗型作为一项重要的指标纳入到株 型育种设计中[4] 。研究还发现,直立穗型水稻在抽穗后,有利于群体充分利用光能以提高生物产量,促进 CO2 扩散 来缓和穗数和大穗的矛盾,同时直立穗型水稻也有利于增强品种的抗倒性[5,6]。因此,直立穗型可能被认为是继矮化 育种之后,水稻株型适应超高产育种的又一重要形态学变化[7]。 直立穗型水稻品种在北方粳稻区有大面积推广 [8-11],但对于籼稻类直立穗型水稻品种的应用鲜 见报道,特别是在中国长江中上游稻区,大面积栽培稻以籼稻为主,同时该区域气候以寡日照为主 。 因此对籼型直立穗水稻品种的研究和应用对将有助于进一步解析调控水稻直立穗型的分子机制,提 高寡日照稻区水稻的光能利用效率。本研究通过比较不同穗型水稻群体小气候的差异,旨在探讨穗 型对群体小气候的影响,为籼稻超高产育种提供理论依据。 1 材料与方法 1收稿日期 Received: 接受日期 Accepted: 国家科技支持计划“水稻新品种培育与扩繁”(12zgc007)、国家政策引导类科技计划及其他专项 (抗病转基因水稻新品种培育 12zgc004)、 四川省育种攻关项目、四川省生物质资源利用与改性工程技术中心开展开放基金项目、四川省岗位专家项目(川农业函 [2014]91 号)、杂 交水稻国家重点实验室开放基金项目资助 Supported by National Science and Technology Support Program "Cultivation and Propagation of New Rice Varieties " (12zgc007), the National Policy Guidance of Science and Technology Program and Other Special (New Varieties of Disease-resistant GM rice cultivation 12zgc004), Sichuan Province Breeding Research Project, the Open Research Fund of Engineering Breeding Research Center for Biomass Resource Utilization and Modification of Sichuan Province, Job Experts Program of Sichuan Province ( Sichuan Agricultural Han [2014] No. 91), the Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice. ** 通讯作者 Corresponding author ( * 1.1 试验材料与设计 试验于 2014 年在西南科技大学水稻研究所试验基地进行。以蜀恢 498(野生型,对照)以及通过 EMS 对蜀恢 498 诱变产生的直立穗型突变体 499(突变体)为试材。采用单因素随机区组设计, 3 次重复,小区面积 15 m2。栽 插规格为 33. 5 cm×16. 67cm,每穴插单株。试验田为水稻土,土壤养分含量:全 N 1.98g/kg、速效 N 80.3mg/kg、速 效 P 43.3mg/kg、速效 K 76.2mg/kg。于 4 月 22 日播种,5 月 28 日插秧,按大田生产水平进行管理。 1.2 测定项目与方法 1.2.1 穗弯曲度动态变化 在始穗期

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