docx文档 Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale

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Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale 第 1 页 Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale 第 2 页 Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale 第 3 页 Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale 第 4 页 Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale 第 5 页
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Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale内容摘要:

Operating model for APVMA functions in Armidale 2017 Roger Fisher Alistair Davey December 2017 Pegasus Economics • • PO Box 449 Jamison Centre, Macquarie ACT 2614 Pegasus Economics is a boutique economics and public policy consultancy firm that specialises in strategy and policy advice, economic analysis, trade practices, competition policy, regulatory instruments, accounting, financial management and organisation development. For information on this report please contact: Name:Roger Fisher Mobile: 0419 205 204 Email: i Table of Contents 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................1 2. A new operating model......................................................................................................................1 3. 2.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................1 2.2 Description..................................................................................................................................2 2.3 Structure and reporting lines......................................................................................................3 2.4 Management arrangements.......................................................................................................5 Implementation..................................................................................................................................7 Bibliography..............................................................................................................................................10 Figure 1: Illustration of the concept of the APVMA embedded within its science based regulatory environment...............................................................................................................................................1 Figure 2: Possible APVMA top structure.....................................................................................................4 Figure 3: Alternative structure for the Registration and Scientific Assessment functions...........................5 Table 1: Proposed APVMA business and operating models........................................................................2 ii 1. Introduction This document provides a high-level description of the proposed operating model for the APVMA in Armidale. All the available evidence suggests that the APVMA will require a delivery model in Armidale that involves fewer regulatory assessment staff than it has traditionally employed. The model presented in this document was developed from a statement of direction provided in the CEO’s 2017 September presentation to staff. The paper draws on more detailed analysis undertaken by Pegasus for the APVMA through 2016 and 2017, including literature surveys, interviews with stakeholders and workshops with staff. Testing and refinement of the final model was undertaken in consultation with managers and targeted groups of staff in November 2017. The following sections of this document describe a proposed operating model for the APVMA, suggest management arrangements to support the new model and provide comment on a range of implementation issues. 2. A new operating model 2.1 Overview The APVMA would operate as part of a regulatory hub within a science and agriculture cluster based in Armidale. The APVMA would focus on standard setting, risk management, quality assurance and audit/compliance functions while drawing on a distributed network of scientific assessors and long-term partners for other services. Figure 1 below illustrates the concept of the APVMA embedded within a larger science-based regulatory system. Figure 1: Illustration of the concept of the APVMA embedded within its science based regulatory environment 1 2.2 Description The APVMA would focus on its core roles of standard setting, risk management, quality assurance, compliance and capacity building. The scientific and management leadership, and most staff, would be located in Armidale. The APVMA expects that up to 150 jobs would be located in Armidale by the completion of the move. Given the likely availability of experienced assessment staff, a higher proportion of scientific assessments would be provided by external reviewers, subject to techn

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