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Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS 第 1 页 Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS 第 2 页 Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS 第 3 页 Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS 第 4 页 Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS 第 5 页
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Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS内容摘要:

Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Final Report August 2018 Celia Green, Eleanor Malbon, Gemma Carey, Helen Dickinson and Daniel Reeders Centre for Social Impact School of Business Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS Report Title Celia Green Authors Key words Publisher DOI Format URL Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health, UNSW Canberra Elanor Malbon Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Gemma Carey Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Helen Dickinson Public Service Research Group, UNSW Canberra Daniel Reeders Centre for Social Impact, UNSW NDIS Centre for Social Impact [insert registered DOI link prior to publishing] PDF, online only Recommended Citation Green, C., Malbon, E., Carey, G., Dickinson, H., Reeders, D. (2018), Competition and Collaboration between Service Providers in the NDIS, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney Address for Correspondence Celia Green Centre for Social Impact The Centre for Social Impact (CSI) is a national research and education centre dedicated to catalysing social change for a better world. CSI is built on the foundation of three of Australia’s leading universities: UNSW Sydney, The University of Western Australia, and Swinburne University of Technology. Our research develops and brings together knowledge to understand current social challenges and opportunities; our postgraduate and undergraduate education develops social impact leaders; and we aim to catalyse change by drawing on these foundations and translating knowledge, creating leaders, developing usable resources, and reaching across traditional divides to facilitate collaborations. Acknowledgements This research has been undertaken with funding from the Australian and New Zealand School of Government. Disclaimer The opinions in this report reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian and New Zealand School of Government. Copyright i Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS CONTENTS Executive Summary........................................................................................................................... 5 2. 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 5 Background........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Competition and collaboration...................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 National Disability Insurance Scheme........................................................................... 6 3. Method....................................................................................................................................... 6 4. Findings..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Past relationships and shared mission................................................................................... 7 4.3 Early responses to a competitive environment...................................................................... 8 4.4 Trust and information sharing................................................................................................ 9 4.5 Time management and staff resources................................................................................. 9 4.6 Care coordination................................................................................................................ 10 5. Discussion................................................................................................................................ 12 6. Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 14 7. References............................................................................................................................... 16 ii Competition and collaboration between service providers in the NDIS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In recent decades governments in industrialised nations worldwide have been embracing market-based models for health and social care provision inclu

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