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Rudradat Rajput andDr. VJ Savaliya 第 1 页 Rudradat Rajput andDr. VJ Savaliya 第 2 页 Rudradat Rajput andDr. VJ Savaliya 第 3 页

Rudradat Rajput andDr. VJ Savaliya内容摘要:

Glacier Journal Of Scientific Research ISSN:2349-8498 Knowledge about IPM in cumin and it’s relationship with profile Characteristics of farmers Rudradat Rajput*andDr. V. J. Savaliya** *Ph.D.Scholar,Department of Agricultural Extension,College of Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh **Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension,College of Agriculture, JAU, Junagadh Corresponding Address Dr. V. J. Savaliya e-mail: Mo: 9427741952 ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Jamnagar KVK of Gujarat State. Knowledge of the Integrated Pest Management is important for increasing the production levels. Hence, this study was conducted to know the knowledge level and its relationship with personal and socio-economical characteristics of cumin growers. The study revealed that cumin growers were medium level knowledge of IPM having detailed knowledge about important IPM techniques. The study also revealed that education, size of land holding, social participation, extension participation, innovativeness, economic motivation, risk orientation and irrigation potentiality were positively significant associated with the knowledge of IPM in cumin crop. Key words : Knowledge, IPM, Association and Irrigation potentiality INTRODUCTION Cumin (Cuminumcyminum L.) is one of the most important spices crop grown all over the country. “Integrated Pest Management is the judicious use and integration of various pest control tactics in the context associating the environment and pests, in ways that complement the facilitation of biological and other natural controls of pests to meet economic, public health, and environmental goals”IPM is a knowledge-based technology. It involves integration of different methods of disease and pest management to manage an important disease or pest of a crop or to manage all the important diseases and pests of a particular crop or to manage all diseases and pests in a particular cropping system. Under IPM, use of chemical pesticides is discouraged but not totally banned. IPM modules are area specific. They take into consideration not only diseases and insect pests but also availability of inputs. Most of the modules include too many practices, which usually discourage the farmers. They are not ready to invest their entire energy in pest management alone. Therefore, it is important to develop modules involving few critical interventions. METHODOLOGY The study was undertaken with a sample of 160 cumin beneficiaries in Jamnagar KVK was drawn by using purposive random sampling techniques. For measurement of knowledge of respondents about IPM in cumin crop, the teacher made test was used. The respondents were asked whether they know particular knowledge about IPM in cumin or not, for each IPM practices, total numbers of respondents were calculated accordingly those who know that practice. A unit score was given to correct and zero to incorrect response. The total score obtained by individual respondent for all the statements was calculated. Then, with the help of mean and standard deviation, the respondents were categorized as under. Low knowledge (Mean – S.D.), Medium knowledge (Mean ± S.D.) and High knowledge (Mean + S.D.) To find out the relationship between dependent and independent variables, the Pearson’s product moment method of computing correlation coefficient (r), which provides generally accepted means for measuring the relationship, was used. FINDINGS The extents of cumin growers’ knowledge of recommended IPM in cumin are presented in Table 1. Table 1: Distribution of respondents based on their knowledge about IPM in cumin crop n = 160 Glacier Journal Of Scientific Research Sr. No Categories 1 Low 2 3 Medium High ISSN:2349-8498 Knowledge score Frequency Percentage Below 65.62 25 15.63 65.62 to 86.86 Above 86.86 116 19 160 72.50 11.87 100 S.D. = 10.62 Total Mean = 76.24 From Table 1, it is clear that 72.50 per cent of the cumin growers were medium level knowledge of IPM in cumin. A considerably 15.63 and 11.87 per cent of respondents were in low and high knowledge group, respectively. This might be due to fact that the cumin growers had medium social participation, medium risk orientation and medium extension participation. This factor had favourable helped the cumin growers in getting more knowledge about Integrated Pest Management in cumin crop. Correlation between knowledge about IPM in cumin crop followed by the farmers There was no significant association with the

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