docx文档 What is Government's Accurate Education?

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What is Government's Accurate Education? 第 1 页 What is Government's Accurate Education? 第 2 页 What is Government's Accurate Education? 第 3 页 What is Government's Accurate Education? 第 4 页 What is Government's Accurate Education? 第 5 页
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What is Government's Accurate Education?内容摘要:

GAC008 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay What is Government’s Accurate Education? Student’s Name: Seunggun Lee Student ID #: HUK21911 Teacher: Jooyong Choi Due Date: 16 July 2012 Word Count: 1121 GAC008 AE#4 Seunggun Lee HUK21911 Topic: “Government spending on education is an investment in human potential that enhances the country’s future”. Do you agree with this statement? Write an essay persuading readers of your point of view. Support your arguments with evidence from appropriate sources. Korea was a Japanese colony in the period of Japanese colonial rule. At that time, Korean was considered as “a new national resource” by Japanese(Semple 267). It means that Japan educated Korean children or adults by force with Japanese irrational education, which is that Japan was superior to Korea by public force. According to a journal article, this education improved Japanese absolute national power by growing Korean children’s potential from 1910 to 1935(Semple 269). Although Korean could be intelligent by being educated by its enemy, Japanese realized that education was the best way to occupy its colony thoroughly including Korean spirit. Watt considered human potential as “contributing to the generation of offspring”(223). It is one of the most suitable examples to develop human assets for national power. Therefore, it is obvious that Human potential effects on or develops national future. However, the statement that government spending on education for investing in potential of human to improve the country’s future is not valid. The reason why it may be inappropriate is that there are other ways to advance human asset except for government’s education expenditure, problems on public education for early ages, and different views about the education that government manages. The first reason is that there are other ways to develop human assets except for government’s educational control. When all is said, homeschooling and certain education of private organizations for human capacity are different educating ways without government’s interference. Home schooling increases each student’s different aptitude selectively and does not have to perform what government made. New York Times reported on Muslim students who perform home schooling are regarded as “antisocial fanatics who don’t want their kids in the system” in parent’s side(Macfarquhar). Even though the reason why they quit the public school has religious reason, Macfarquhar mentioned in New York Times that parents want their child to offer chances for music, sports or experiences that in various field trips. It is important for 12/7/2012 page 1 GAC008 AE#4 Seunggun Lee HUK21911 only child to fit in their learning style. Next, private organizations also give opportunities to learn without public system. As one reporter investigated that a variety of cases of companies’ education programs(Ginsberg). Company in New Jersey has program for employees to prepare recent technologies in workplace or solve educational deficiency. Samsung, one of the biggest companies in the world, also executes “industry-based education” such as E.S.L. or English for increasing their employee’s potential (Ginsberg). Consequently, these days, people can seize opportunities financially and educationally from private organizations. Coming back in nearby reality, there are problems on public education. In a case of my study, public high and middle school has some problem, especially talented and SEN(special educational needs) students. For example, Obama emphasized in his speech that main government cannot control local schools which local government holds, even though the schools which get from public financial support, but these schools have bad record for education. Educational psychologist said that students have to find their own learning styles and make their knowledge combine with their lives for their future(Mortimer). However, public education cannot afford to satisfy each child’s talents. Although there are lots of organizations and policies for caring or educating for children, government has lack of systems for students who are gifted or has disabilities. Furthermore, anyone cannot predict the result of public education whether it is ultimate goal of nation’s future by enhancing human abilities or not. It is not necessary to cultivate human capacity with government’s efforts. In fact, Potential can be defined “combination of forces capable”(Carus and B

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