docx文档 aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities

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aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities 第 1 页 aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities 第 2 页 aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities 第 3 页 aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities 第 4 页 aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities 第 5 页
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aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities内容摘要:

aThe Social Effects of Being the Child of a Parent with Intellectual Disabilities By Toby Tomlinson Baker Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology July, 2018 Abstract The questions raised and addressed in this paper are focused on the effects on the child of the Intellectually disabled parent, (prior term Mental Retardation). This current research focus on the lack of consideration in the literature or in public policies for this type of person, the child of a parent with intellectual disabilities. There are significant issues which address sexual issues which are often recognized but not often acknowledged. Parents, the public, and even among many professionals themselves, there is the reluctance to highlight sensitive and difficult issues. Women or girls with disabilities have fewer resources to handle sexual advances and may seek “acceptance.” Additionally, their fathers have disabilities genetic or social, themselves, for example, low self-esteem, alcoholism, and a disability or psychopathology, including sexual predators. Abuse, neglect, emotional support needs, lack of adequate education, lack of language skills, imitation of limited social role models, lack of adequate care in infancy. This may lack the cognitive ability required to protect the child from physical harm. The parent with intellectual disabilities may have difficulty setting behavioral limits for their children. They often lack the attention span required to supervise a child and may provide inadequate intellectual stimulation for their children at home. Consequently, this may cause the child to surpass the cognitive level of their parent with an intellectual disability and are forced to assume the responsibilities that are generally thought to be inappropriate for children of their age. Further, these children may grow up undisciplined, due to the lack of a competent authority figure in the home. Many people fear that children reared by individuals who have disabilities will be stigmatized. They may have a true disability themselves, that may go unnoticed by professionals in the community and at school. Finally, relatively high functioning parents with intellectual disabilities tend to make it less possible for their children to receive attention or services, or even to be identified for special needs services themselves. There is a great need to address this situation as it is a scarce topic of professional research literature. Part I: Introduction There is a great deal of research material on the child with intellectual disabilities and how to incorporate social and educational programs, both in childhood and adulthood. However, one type of situation which has received less attention is the instance of a parent or parents with intellectual disabilities having a child. The child of a 1 parent with intellectual disabilities or parents has a unique social situation, which should be recognized and addressed. The societal considerations dictate that the responsibility in raising the child are mainly of the mother. There are other situations found in fewer instances, involving one or both parents with intellectual disabilities. These include the child being the result of a father with intellectual disabilities and a normal mother, and also the possibility of a child with both parents having intellectual disabilities. Literature Review The fact that 90% of the cases of criminal behavior against people with disabilities are sexual in nature is a key figure (Carmody, 1991). The typical situation described by our topic involves a girl or woman with intellectual disabilities of childbearing age who have either been sexually harassed or consensually or non-consensually has a sexual encounter with a man who may himself be either nondisabled or intellectually disabled. Such a man could be in a relationship with her, such as a common law or legal husband (Euser, Alink, Tharner, van IJzendoorn, & Bakermans-Kranenburg, 2016). When a woman with mild intellectual disabilities interacts in school or work situations with those who are similarly mildly disabled, the tendency of nondisabled peers is not to perceive her as being socially incapacitated (Euser et al., 2016). Thus, the community of nondisabled residents may attempt to treat a woman with disabilities as nondisabled since that is usually the intention of having her there in the first place, in the “mainstream,” with the support of professionals and/or parents (Euser et al.,

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