pdf文档 长期封育对不同类型草地碳贮量及其固持速率的影响

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长期封育对不同类型草地碳贮量及其固持速率的影响 第 1 页


生 态 学 报 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA 第 31 卷第 15 期 2011 年 8 月 Vol. 31,No. 15 Aug. , 2011 2011, 31( 15) : 4270-4276. 何念鹏,韩兴国,于贵瑞. 长期封育对不同类型草地碳贮量及其固持速率的影响. 生态学报, He N P,Han X G,Yu G R. Carbon and nitrogen sequestration rate in long-term fenced grasslands in Inner Mongolia,China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31( 15) : 4270-4276. 长期封育对不同类型草地碳贮量及其固持速率的影响 何念鹏 1, 2,* ,韩兴国2 ,于贵瑞1 ( 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101 2. 中国科学院植物研究所,植被与环境变化国家重点实验室,北京 100093) 摘要:基于 4 个长期封育草地,采用成对取样方法( 封育-自由放牧草地) 分析了长期封育和自由放牧草地地上生物量、地表凋落 0—100 cm 根系和土壤的碳氮贮量,探讨了长期封育草地的碳固持速率。实验结果表明: 长期封育显著提高了草地碳氮贮 物、 -2 -2 -2 -1 量; 经 30a 围封处理后,草地碳固持量为 1401—2858 g C m ,平均 2126 g C m ; 草地碳固持速率为 46. 7—129. 2 g C m a , -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 平均 84. 2 g C m a 。长期封育草地氮固持速率为 2. 8—14. 7 g N m a ,平均 7. 3 g N m a 。封育草地碳和氮固持速率 表现为: 针茅草地 < 羊草草地 < 退化羊草草地 < 补播黄花苜蓿 + 羊草草地。长期封育草地 0—40 cm 土壤碳固持速率相对较 高,但下层土壤对草地碳固持的贡献也比较大,因此,未来的相关研究应给予下层土壤更大关注。内蒙古典型草地具有巨大的 碳固持潜力,长期封育( 或禁牧) 是实现其碳固持效应最经济、最有效的途径之一。 关键词:草地; 碳固持; 氮贮存; 固持速率; 土地利用变化; 围封 Carbon and nitrogen sequestration rate in long-term fenced grasslands in Inner Mongolia,China HE Nianpeng 1, 2,* ,HAN Xingguo2 ,YU Guirui1 1 Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China 2 Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change,Institute of Botany,CAS,Beijing 100093,China Abstract: Land-use change is considered to have a significant impact on the global C balance by profoundly altering biota, land cover,and biogeochemical cycles. Therefore,the impact of land-use change on the storage or sequestration of carbon ( C) and nitrogen ( N) is one of the most important domains to global change research. As a dominant form of landscape and an integral component of the Eurasian landmass,grasslands of northern China,which account for 40% of the land area in China,play important roles in servicing the ecological environment and in the socio-economy of the region. Furthermore, an increase in the soil C and N storage in the grasslands of northern China is anticipated with the implementation of measures aimed at encouraging grassland protection. However,there is little information regarding the potential of C and N storage ( or C sequestration rate) due to the absence of long-term grazing exclusion plots in multiple sites. In this present research,using pair-sampling methods,we investigated the C and N storage in aboveground biomass, litter,roots and soil organic matter in the 0 100 cm soil layer in the fenced grasslands and free-grazing grasslands in 4 sites. The main objectives of this study was to assess the effect of long-term grazing exclusion on the storage of C and N in temperate grasslands of northern China,and further determined the sequestration rates of C and N in fenced grasslands by comparing with the data of free grazing grasslands. The results showed that,compared with free-grazing grasslands,there were significant increases in the C and N storage 基金项目:国家基础研究发展计划项目( 2010CB833504) ; 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 31070431,40803024) 收稿日期:2011-03-02; 修订日期:2011-05-09 * 通讯作者 Corresponding author. E-mail: E-mail: henp@ igsnrr. ac. cn http: / / www. ecologica. cn 15 期 何念鹏 等: 长期封育对不同类型草地碳贮量及其固持速率的影响 4271 in the fenced grasslands. It was estimated that,after 3-decades grazing exclusion,the quantity of C sequestration ranged from 1401 to 2858 g C m –2 in the 4 sites,averaging 2126 g C m - 2 ; and the rates of C sequestration in fenced grasslands ranged from 46. 7 to 129. 2 g C m - 2 a - 1 ,averaging 84. 2 g C m - 2 a - 1 . The rates of N sequestration in fenced grasslands varied from 2. 8 to 14. 7 g N m - 2 a - 1 ,averaging 7. 3 g N m - 2 a - 1 . From the view of C and N sequestration rates,there is a total trend as follows: Stipa grandis grassland < Leymus chinensis grassland < degraded L. Chinese grassland < Sowing Medicago falcata and L. chinensis grassland. Moreover,we found that the lower soil layers ( 40 100 cm) had also play an important role in the total C and N sequestered in fenced grasslands although sequestration rates were relative higher in the upper soil layer ( 0 40 cm) . Together,the study demonstrated that temperate grasslands of northern China have the vast potential to increase C storage,and long-term grazing exclusion should be the most valuable and feasible approach to make true the C sequestration of temperate grasslands in future. Key Words: grassland; carbon sequestration; nitrogen storage; sequestration rates; land-

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